In this page you can find information about the Call for Papers
The Russian War in Ukraine
Issue n. 1/2024 De Europa with Guest editors Mara Morini (DISPI – Università di Genova), Lara Piccardo (DISPI – Università di Genova)
The Russian invasion of Ukraine took European and world public opinion by surprise. After the conflict in the former Yugoslavia (1991-2001), a new war broke out in Europe, taking on different connotations – economic, values and political – which have in common Russia’s challenge to the global order.
The date of 22 February 2022 marks an epochal change in the nature of relations among States, in the return of nationalisms, in the East-West confrontation, in the crisis of the international order and, above all, it underlines how superficial it is to echo the “end of history”.
In the light of these dynamics, the editors call for proposals for articles which, through a historical-political analysis of the strategic and geopolitical decisions of the actors involved, can be inserted into the following lines of research: 1) the causes of the conflict with a particular attention to the historical origins of the relationship between Russia and Ukraine; 2) the objectives of the various parties involved between revisionist politics and defense of the status quo; 3) the possible war resolution scenarios.
The monographic issue aims to frame the Russian-Ukrainian conflict theoretically and historically within analytical dimensions consolidated in the scientific literature, which allow the study of the phenomenon to be addressed diachronically and in a comparative perspective.
The complete papers (5.000-7.000 words, in English or in Italian) will go under double-blind peer review before publication.
Information about editorial rules, that must be strictly respected, can be found here: http://www.deeuropa.unito.it/content/Submit_an_article
- 10 May 2023: submission of abstracts (max 800 words), containing the main research question(s) addressed, the methodology used in the study and an indication of the main findings of the research, or draft articles, should be sent via e-mail to: redazione.deeuropa@unito.it (C/C to: mara.morini@unige.it and lara.piccardo@unige.it)
- 02 June 2023: notification of acceptance to authors
- 30 Sept. 2023: submission of papers (5.000–7.000 words)
- 31 Oct. 2023: reviews sent to authors
- 30 Nov. 2023: final paper submission
Journal Website: http://www.deeuropa.unito.it