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De Europa Special Issue 2022 - Multilinguisme et variétés linguistiques en Europe à l’aune de l’intelligence artificielle / Multilinguismo e variazioni linguistiche in Europa nell’era dell’intelligenza artificiale / Multilingualism and Language Varieties in Europe in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Ce numéro spécial de la revue De Europa a été élaboré à partir d’une réflexion interdisciplinaire et multilingue qui a été menée dans le cadre d’une recherche sur les droits, le multilinguisme et les variétés linguistiques en Europe à l’aune de l’intelligence artificielle à l’intérieur du projet Artificial Intelligence for European Integration promu par le Centre d’études européennes To-EU de l’Université de Turin et cofinancé par la Commission de l’Union européenne. Notre propos était de réfléchir plus généralement sur les conséquences négatives et/ou positives de l’IA sur les variétés linguistiques et le multilinguisme, ce dernier étant une valeur de l’UE. Ce que nous proposons par ce numéro est un livre inédit qui peut se vanter d’être parmi les premiers à s’occuper de ce type de thématique, du moins en Europe.

Il presente numero speciale di De Europa è il frutto di una riflessione interdisciplinare e multilingue maturata attorno a diversi eventi organizzati nell’ambito del panel concernente i diritti e le variazioni linguistiche in Europa nell’era dell’intelligenza artificiale all’interno del progetto Artificial Intelligence for European Integration, promosso dal Centro studi sull’Europa TO-EU dell’Università di Torino e cofinanziato dalla Commissione europea. L’interrogativo iniziale che abbiamo voluto sollevare è se l’IA potesse avere un impatto negativo sulle varietà linguistiche e sul multilinguismo, valore “aggiunto” dell’UE, o se potesse, e in che modo, divenire utile per la promozione di essi. Il volume, interamente inedito, può dirsi tra i primi ad affrontare, almeno in Europa, questo tipo di tematiche.
This special issue of De Europa is the outcome of an interdisciplinary multilingual reflection carried out on research into linguistic rights, multilingualism and language varieties in Europe in the age of artificial intelligence. It is part of the Artificial Intelligence for European Integration project, promoted by the Centre of European Studies To-EU of the University of Turin and co-financed by the European Commission. Our aim was to investigate more generally the negative and/or positive outcomes of AI on language varieties and multilingualism, the latter a key value for the EU. The result is a volume of original unpublished research being made generally available for the first time, at least in Europe.

De Europa Special Issue 2021 - La paura del “Leviatano” europeo: globalizzazione, euroscetticismo e crisi della democrazia

I saggi editi in questo volume devono essere considerati come un punto d’arrivo di poderosi percorsi di ricerca, ma anche quale avvio di nuove riflessioni che trovano anche nell’attualità ulteriori stimoli. La storia nazionale dev'essere interpretata nel quadro europeo ed in quello internazionale che soli possono dare risposte al tema che pervade la Storia dell'uomo: come arrivare a costruire un equilibrio istituzionale basato sulla pace che superi le logiche degli equilibri di potenza.

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De Europa Special Issue 2020 on Euro-American Relations in the Age of Globalization: Risks and Opportunities includes multi-disciplinary approaches to the current Euro-American relations, with a focus on the new scenarios created by the Trump administration as well as at the crises and transformations in transatlantic relations during the three decades between 1989 and 2019.

De Europa Special Issue 2019 is the result of the 2nd. Congress of the International Network of Comparative Borders Research (RECFronteras): “Towards new Borders? New and old frontiers in a renewed international system ”, carried out in Turin, Italy on July 6 and 7, 2017. RECFronteras is an epistemic community that was formed in 2014 and has gathered around the study and understanding of the various phenomena that arise in frontier spaces from a comparative and multidisciplinary perspective. RECFronteras seeks to contribute to the debate about the processes of change that various borders in the world experienced. And the participation of several of our members in these discussions is essential to show the origin of the contrasting effects of globalization (economic integration/disintegration) in border spaces.

The essays of this volume are organized into two groups: the first is composed of five articles that discuss from a broad perspective the processes of regional integration and their impacts on border spaces; the second group focuses on various analyzes on the effects of globalization on the mobility of people in border spaces as well as migration policies and their impacts on refronterization processes. As a manner of conclusion, the last work proposes a general reflection on how to address the problem of inequality in Europe.

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