In this page you can find information about the Call for Papers
Euro - American Relations in the Age of Globalization: Risks and Opportunities
Special Issue of De Europa - edited By Massimiliano Demata (University of Turin) and Marco Mariano (University of Turin)
De Europa is a double-blind peer-reviewed open access journal published by the Department of Cultures, Politics and Society at the University of Turin. De Europa is a multidisciplinary journal which publishes contributions from different disciplines in order to embrace the complexity and richness of Europe. The focus is on Europe and the value of its unification, the goal is to identify and highlight European identity, shared values, the need to find common solutions to meet the challenges posed by globalisation.
Following the very successful conference on “Euro-American Relations in the Age of Globalization” held in Turin on 6 May 2019, the editors are looking for abstracts on any aspect of the current Euro-American relations, with a focus on the new scenario created by the Trump administration, but also looking at the crises and transformations in transatlantic relations during the three decades between 1989 and 2019.
Papers may address one or more key issues which are relevant to Euro-American relations today, including:
- Discourses of nationalisms, populisms and globalization;
- The role of multilateral institutions (e.g. the EU, NATO, the UN) and the perceived loss of their importance;
- The role played by mass media and social media in the construction of the public sphere and the circulation of ideas and languages between Europe and the US;
- Discourses of immigration, fear, security;
- Market, protectionism and fair trade.
Important Dates
- 30 June 2019: submission of abstracts (300 words excluding references, plus five keywords)
- 10 July 2019: notification of acceptance of abstracts communicated to authors
- 30 November 2019: submission of papers for review (5000-8000 words)
- 1 March 2020: reviews sent to authors
- 31 May 2020: submission of final paper
- 1 July 2020: publication of special issue
Abstracts and enquiries should be sent to both