In this page you can find information about the Call for Papers
Memorie d’Europa / Revisiting the European Memory / La mémoire européenne mise en question / Memorias de Europa
Issue n. 2 -2020 for De Europa ed. Angela Condello (Università Roma3) - Anna Mastromarino (Università di Torino)
In the recent years, interest and debates around “memory” have grown fast. “Memory”, in particular, must be understood not only as a mental or psychical function, but also as a field of study, intrinsically international and interdisciplinary, and devoted to the analysis of the interconnections between past, present and future - from a sociological, political, juridical and cultural perspective.
Being aware that “making up” a memory means, first and foremost, acting for the construction of identitarian horizons in which the reflection on the past becomes a cornerstone for the processes of self-definition of a people, the journal De Europa shall devote a special issue to the interdisciplinary analysis of the role of memory in the construction of European integration. The issue will in particular focus on the “dynamic” and “constructive” role of memory in the spaces characterized by various forms of pluralism. The reconstruction of the traces, of the origins, means also a projection towards the future. Memory is the writing of an identity which can constantly be re-defined.
If events, characters, places, discourses, dates for remembrance - have the force to be transformed into paradigmatic moments capable of consolidating connections and thus to attribute a foundation to the demos, then it would be interesting to consider the following questions:
- How can memory represent an instrument for the construction of common identity within a society characterized by pluralism, like the European society?;
- How can different and conflicting memories can coexist within the same European space?;
- Through which processes of selection (individual, private, public,…) would it be possible to construct a collective European memory?;
- What “exemplary” objects and which particular discourses have the capacity to promote memory processes?;
- Within the European context, what are the subjects legitimized to become agents promoting memory;
- In relation to different types of memory, what are the singularities capable of catalysing memory in Europe: places (material or imaginary), dates, sites and museums, processes of participation in the public life, etc…?;
- What is the role played, in this frame, by the education system and in particular by school subjects like history?;
- Is it possible to avoid potential risks of strumentalization of the memory processes by anti-European forces in an open confrontation of conflicting voices?
An abstract of about 300 words and 5 key-words will have to be sent either in Italian or in one of the working languages of the jornal (French, English and Spanish) to redazione.deeuropa@unito.it by September 20th, 2019. The proposals accepted by the editorial committee will have to be sent, as complete papers, to the journal email address by March 31st, 2020.
The complete papers will go under anonymous double peer review before publication.
Information about editorial rules can be found here: http://www.deeuropa.unito.it/content/contacts