In this page you can find information about the Call for Papers
Europe and Latin America in the international liberal order: Processes of convergence and divergence
América Latina y Europa en el orden internacional liberal : procesos de divergencias y convergencias
L’Europe et l’Amérique latine dans l’ordre international libéral : les processus de convergence et de divergence
Europa e America Latina nell'ordine internazionale liberale: processi di convergenza e divergenza
Issue n. 1 -2022 for De Europa ed. Tiziana Betaccini (University of Turin) / GIovanni Finizio (University of Turin)
The present context of crisis of the international liberal order is marked, inter alia, by a fractured Atlantic Community and the questioning of the values of democracy, human rights, international law and multilateralism. At the same time, the European Union is being increasingly contested as a supporter of this order, both globally and at home.
In the light of these dynamics, the discourse on the importance of a strategic convergence of Europe and Latin America has regained momentum. This discourse is based on shared political values – the so-called liberal internationalism –, on huge migration flows and on strong economic ties between the two regions. Europe is Latin America’s third trading partner, its primary source of foreign direct investment and the biggest donor of development aid. An intense interregional political dialogue has developed over time, suffice it to mention the inter-parliamentary conferences between the European Community and Latin America (started in 1974), the Bi-regional Strategic Association (launched in 1999), the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (Eurolat, established in 2006), and the Eu-Celac Summits (started in 2013). However, recurrent impasses have hindered the consolidation of the relationship between Europe and Latin America and signal the shortcomings of this comprehensive and multidimensional model of interregionalism. These are the result, inter alia, of endogenous factors. On the one hand, over the past two decades the European Union, affected by multiple crises (Eurozone crisis, refugee crisis and, lastly, the Covid19 pandemic), has had to struggle for survival; on the other hand, in a fragmented Latin America which does not exist as a unitary subject, democracy struggles to consolidate and regional integration processes are facing a crisis which is worsened by the negative attitude of conservative governments towards multilateralism.
In this difficult scenario of international tensions, we propose a reinterpretation of convergence and divergence processes between Europe and Latin America, with a particular focus on the analysis of the “community of shared values” and its influence upon interregional relations and the role of the regions in international politics.
Papers may address one or more key issues that are relevant to Euro-Latin American relations, such as:
- Empirical experiences of interaction/confrontation in terms of political values and principles
- Convergence, divergence and mutual perceptions in terms of models of regional integration and multilateralism
- Cooperation on subjects of common interest, supportive of the liberal order, such as protection of human rights, promotion of democracy and the rule of law, international security, fight against organized crime, environmental protection.
- Dynamics and management of migration flows
- 20 January 2021: submission of abstracts (300 words, excluding references, plus five keywords)
- 1 February 2021: notification of acceptance of abstracts communicated to authors
- 30 October 2021: submission of papers for review (5.000–7.000 words)
- 30 December 2021: reviews sent to authors
- 15 February 2022: final paper submission
- June 2022: issue publication
Editors contact mail:
- Tiziana Bertaccini: tiziana.bertaccini@unito.it
- Giovanni Finizio: giovanni.finizio@unito.it