In this page you can find information about the Call for Papers
The (re)configuration of the Euro-Mediterranean space after the 2011 Arab uprisings: borders, politics and identity /
La (ri)configurazione dello spazio Euro-Mediterraneo dopo le rivolte arabe del 2011: confini, politiche e identità /
La (re)configuration de l'espace euro-méditerranéen après les soulèvements arabes de 2011 : frontières, politique et identité
La reconfiguración del espacio Euro-Mediterráneo después de las insurrecciones árabes del 2011: confines, políticas e identidades
Issue n. 1 -2021 for De Europa ed. Rosita Di Peri (University of Turin) / Federico Donelli (University of Genoa)
The political events that affected the Mediterranean Middle East and North Africa (MENA) after the 2011 uprisings have paved the way for a new conceptualisation (and management) of border issues, which has had a dramatic effect on Europe and the southern Mediterranean countries. On the one hand, Europe is facing a continuous redefinition of its borders, especially in the southern neighbourhood but also in the Eastern part of the continent. On the other hand, the MENA countries are part of a game in which the political elites deploy sectarian identity, narratives and symbols to neutralise dissent and (re)assert control, even on borders, spaces and places. Notwithstanding the counter-revolutionary trend, the presence of ongoing civil conflicts, along with the escalation of regional competition over the past decade, has dramatically changed the political and social landscape in many countries.
In this context, the Euro-Mediterranean space seems more and more unstable, and its margins porous. It has become a place of new barriers and systems (internal and external, physical and mental). European space has been besieged by a new wave of populism that is strengthening national identities and putting a strain on the European Union as a cohesive space. Meanwhile, in some MENA countries, the repression of a new wave of mobilisation in 2019 is silencing counter-hegemonic movements that could potentially cross state and community borders, ethnic and religious divides.
This issue of the De Europa – European and Global Studies Journal encourages papers that can reflect on the reconfiguration of the Euro-Mediterranean space after the 2011 Arab uprisings by focusing, in particular, on actors, strategies and policies. Contributions on national, transnational, regional and international aspects such us migratory flows, the redefinition of identities, the redrawing of borders, as well as the control and reassessment of space are welcome. The special issue also invites papers exploring the forces that, at regional, national or international levels, have led to a questioning of not only the conception and perception of geographical and social borders but also the practices that have affected the Euro-Mediterranean relationship.
Papers may address one or more key issues that are relevant to Euro-Mediterranean space, such as:
- the theoretical issues underlying the debate on the reconfiguration of Euro-Mediterranean relations from various disciplinary angles;
- original reflections on the perceptions of borders in both northern and southern Mediterranean countries and the transformative role of these perceptions;
- the practices and the main actors that have affected the transformation of the Euro- Mediterranean space over the past decade;
- the political strategies and the output of the politics of re-bordering the Euro-Mediterranean space and relations.
An abstract in English of about 300 words and five keywords should be sent to redazione.deeuropa@unito.it by 30 June 2020. The proposals accepted by the editorial committee will have to be sent, as complete papers, to the journal’s e-mail address by 1 November 2020. The complete papers will go under double-blind peer review before publication. Information about editorial rules can be found here.
Key Dates
- 30 June 2020: submission of abstracts (300 words, excluding references, plus five keywords)
- 10 July 2020: notification of acceptance of abstracts communicated to authors
- 1 November 2020: submission of papers for review (5,000–7,000 words)
- 1 February 2021: reviews sent to authors
- 30 March 2021: final paper submission
- 30 June 2021: De Europa n. 1 2021 publication
Editors contact mail:
- Rosita Di Peri: rosita.diperi@unito.it
- Federico Donelli: donellifed@gmail.com